Christology - Fall Semester 2010 - Br. Lawrence Haley, FSC


Weekly Plan # 16



  1. No special schedules this week:  Period 1 meets for a total of 240 minutes; Periods 3 & 7 for a total of 200 minutes.  
  2. Be sure to have your Bible and textbook in class.  
  3. Finals are two weeks away!

Monday, November 29Monday Schedule - All Periods meet.
PrayerIsaiah 4:2-6
Activity / Assignment - (Period 7; others, if time):  Assignment of the New Testament Shield Project.  Students will be assigned a book of the New Testament.  They should write a 200 word summary of the book they were assigned.  They should answer the following questions about their book of the New Testament:  1) Who wrote the book?  2) What is the message of the book?  3) When was it written and for whom?  4) Where was it written?  Tomorrow, students will receive a handout to complete for class tomorrow. 
Students who did not take last week's test should see the teacher for a make-up test.
Assignment:  Bring colored pencils, pens, or crayons to class tomorrow. 

Tuesday, November 30Block 1 - 50 minutes  -- Block 3- 80 minutes -- Block 7 - 80 minutes.
PrayerMatthew 4:18-22
Activity (Periods 1 & 3 only):  Online Teacher Evaluations -- students will report to the Library (Period 1) or the Computer Lab in Room 505 (Period 3) to complete online evaluations of all of their teachers.  This should take no more than 20 minutes.
Activity / Assignment:  Assignment of the shields.  Make sure your writing is neat and clear. 

Wednesday, December 1Block 1 - 50 minutes  -- Blocks 3 & 7 do not meet.
PrayerIsaiah 25:6-10a
Activity / Assignment:  Continue working on the shields (20 minute maximum)
Activity:  Presentation of the shields

Thursday, December 2Block 1 - 50 minutes  -- Block 3- 80 minutes -- Block 7 - 80 minutes.
Prayer:  (Period 1) Matthew 7:21;24-27 / (Periods 3 & 7) Isaiah 11:1-10
Activity  (Period 7 only):  Online Teacher Evaluations -- students will report to the Library to complete online evaluations of all of their teachers. 
Activity:  Go over last week's test.
Activity:  Presentation of the shields.

Friday, December 3Block 1 - 50 minutes  -- Blocks 3 & 7 do not meet.
Prayer: Next Sunday's Gospel Reading:  Isaiah 11:1-10
Activity / Assignment:  Presentation of the shields

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